Sunday, March 21, 2021

Demo Review + Affordable Housing = Success

There's a strong correlation between communities that are meeting the 10% Affordable Housing benchmark and demo review. Demo review can be wielded as an effective planning tool to encourage responsible development. At a minimum, any argument that demo review makes reaching 10% prohibitive is both baseless and without merit. Here are two images for your consideration:

• A map that illustrates which municipalities in the Commonwealth have demo review laws; and,

• A map that shows which communities have met the 10% affordable housing benchmark (note: Brookline should be there as well).

Why is that important? Because there are false narratives being circulated that demo review is a hindrance to development. If so, one must wonder how Boston, Cambridge, Somerville, Arlington, Belmont, Winchester, Andover and countless others do it. How do they manage to have a demo review law and remain highly desirable to developers?

Demo review is embraced by all of our comparable neighbors and nearby municipalities.  Demo review is an important part of any Smart Growth strategy.  Demo review goes hand in hand with Affordable Housing. Demo review is the environmentally sound thing to do in a community that cares about sustainability. Demo review is the socially just thing to do in a community that cares about people.

Getting a demo review ordinance in place was a part of both the 2004 and 2017 master plans for the City of Melrose. It hasn't happened yet, but eventually it will; we can be the ones who make it happen. We can get on the right side of history. Contact us at to learn how you can help support affordable housing and historic preservation in Melrose.

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